Last weekend wile we were out on a event i got an amazing message! The first Ko-fi goal, a full tank for the Unimog, was reached. You amazing people did it, I’m speechless!
So here we are with a new goal, for some better sound.And guess what happened? We got a donation whiting the first hours of the new goal!
We did it! we traveled about 5500km and used more than 1500liters of fuel, in just 4 intense weeks. But what an amazing advanture, we are defenetly going back to this beautiful island. watch the entire trip on our youtube channel:
With all the Covid bans slowly lifting and Europe starting to re-open for travel and tourism. It seems that our trip to Iceland may go ahead as planned. And that means a lot of last minute prepping. So time to get the old girl back in shape and make some final repairs and upgrades!
Together with we got some genuine Army Truck Tom merch! Check out their amazing designs and get your own T-shirt with our Unimog 404 in the Shop.
I’m also busy categorizing the heap of army surplus we have lying around. Most of it is New Old Stock accessories and vintage army clothing. So keep an eye out for all the cool stuff, it’ll all be available in the webshop soon!
It takes a lot of blood sweat and tears to re-build and maintain these old trucks. And we’re going the extra mile, because there’s a new project in our garage! A Dodge WC51 from 1944! Help us in restoring and maintaining these historic vehicles, and consider buying us a Ko-fi.
Help us in getting historic vehicles back on the road! By me some Ko-fi!
It’s been quiet here the last year, the restrictions have made it almost impossible to travel. So it’s time to prepare for the future!
We are working hard to prepare our Rosie the pick-up truck for an epic adventure. Because next year if all goes well we’ll head to Iceland! This is going to be one hell of a road trip, so the old girl has to be in top shape, so we’re currently restoring the 57 year old Unimog. Making her as good as new
We have visited a lot of places since the beginning of our road-trip, and a lot of them are really wonderful. Unfortunately it would be a bit too much text to explain all the wonderful places, so I will just tell you more about my personal favorite sites.
The cliffs of Moens Klint
Monday the 17th we’ve visited the region of Moen, a beautiful island on the east of Denmark. The cliffs are simply breathtaking, and we stayed on a camping only meters from the beach. But the most memorable thing happened the next day. We drove our little Mog to the Cold-war museum Stevnsfort. This used to be an active Hawk battery until 2008, now you can visit the underground complex and the surrounding terrain. The underground complex is massive, and a guided tour took us 90 minutes visiting all the rooms and corridors inside the fort. Outside various vehicles and rockets are posted as if ready to use, radio and satellite installations make the complex look almost battle ready. The Best part of our visit? We were allowed to drive Rosie onto the terrain for some photo’s! The NATO truck re-visiting a NATO base, not unlike in the Cold-war.
After this we drove on to the next island, and after a good night of sleep it was time to visit the capitol of Denmark. Copenhagen is a nice city, and it has the biggest Oceanium in North-Europe. Needless to say we had to go there, and it took us almost the entire day to see all the wonders it has to offer. On Thursday it was Thor’s day, so it was time to see some Viking ships, and what better place to go than the Viking ships museum. They have 5 original ships on display and a lot of replicas one can even get aboard and sail in.
Viking ship museum Roskilde
A pamphlet guided us the following day to our next destination on the route back to the mainland of Denmark. Another Cold-war museum: The Panzer museum East. A museum housing many Cold-war era vehicles from the east side of the wall. Never before have I seen so much Rusfed military vehicles in one place. Ranging from airplane and helicopter to Traband, T72 and T34 tanks, and lots more! I had the honor of meeting the owner of this amazing collection, and the Mog got some compliments from this military history lover. And so here we also got the opportunity to drive our NATO truck onto the terrain full of Rusfed material, former enemy vehicles now parked side by side for a couple of more awesome pictures!
Today we went further North and came across the longest wooden ship currently still in existence, the frigate Jylland. This ship was launched in 1860 and survived 18 direct hits during the battle of Heligoland, now it has been saved from scrapping and turned into a museum. It’s a must-see if you are ever near Ebeltoft. Hopefully tomorrow we can reach the Northern-most tip of Denmark, Skagen. So far Denmark has been more beautiful and surprising than ever imagined and already ideas of coming back here to see even more in the future are starting to get a grip.
It was a lot of work preparing everything, the tire carrier was finished just in time, and on Thursday at 13:00 it was finally time to start this road trip. The first day went really smooth, the 330km we travelled were behind us in no time… well actually in about 5 hours of driving. We ventured off the dreaded “autobahn” and a small and winding road brought us to a nice little campsite.
The first camping, a bit of dinner and some rest.
The next day it was hot. It was 28c outside, meaning that inside of the Mog, sitting on top of the engine, the temperature felt close to a sauna. Combine this with lots of traffic, and you’ve got yourself a real good reason to stop for a burger and coke. After the engine and us had a bit of time to cool down, it was time to continue our trip to Puttgarden. We arrived at about 17:00 on Puttgarden Camping. Here we decided to get a day of rest before embarking on the ferry to Rodby. Unfortunately that was a rainy day, and we ended up playing some games in the comfort of the “funkkoffer”
Sitting dry and cozy inside the Unimog
On Sunday it was time to take the ferry, and finally enter Denmark. Scandlines ferries are sailing every half hour so booking ahead is not really necessary. And at about 12:15 we drove on of the boat. The trip to Rodby takes only 45min which just enough time to get a snack and visit the shops on board. With the harbour of Rodby in sight it was time to get beck to the car-deck. One by one the cars rolled off, and a sigh greeted us “Denmark”. We had made it. The first leg of the journey had been completed! And we still had time for some touring, so we followed the coastline to get some ice-cream in Nyhavn and eventually we stopped at Moen camping Ulvshale, a beautiful campsite only 100m from the sea.
In just a couple of days our adventure starts, we’ll head out to Denmark!
Final checks of the trusted Unimog have been completed, and only the spare-tire mount has to be made. Hopefully it won’t delay our departure.
12.5 r20 big new shoes for the Mog
Preparations stared with different tires, the old ones had seen to much sun making the rubber dry and brittle, so they needed to go. With the rims now removed it was easy to access the brake drums, all brakes have been cleaned and adjusted. Fortunately they did not need to be replaced. The oil in the gearbox however had seen better times, so out with the old and in with about 6liters of special gearbox oil for old gearboxes with brass parts.
Brake checking and maintenance.
It took a couple of weeks to get ready, and it’s almost done just a few small things… and that spare-tire carrier… and off we go!