We have visited a lot of places since the beginning of our road-trip, and a lot of them are really wonderful. Unfortunately it would be a bit too much text to explain all the wonderful places, so I will just tell you more about my personal favorite sites.

Monday the 17th we’ve visited the region of Moen, a beautiful island on the east of Denmark. The cliffs are simply breathtaking, and we stayed on a camping only meters from the beach. But the most memorable thing happened the next day. We drove our little Mog to the Cold-war museum Stevnsfort. This used to be an active Hawk battery until 2008, now you can visit the underground complex and the surrounding terrain. The underground complex is massive, and a guided tour took us 90 minutes visiting all the rooms and corridors inside the fort. Outside various vehicles and rockets are posted as if ready to use, radio and satellite installations make the complex look almost battle ready. The Best part of our visit? We were allowed to drive Rosie onto the terrain for some photo’s! The NATO truck re-visiting a NATO base, not unlike in the Cold-war.

After this we drove on to the next island, and after a good night of sleep it was time to visit the capitol of Denmark. Copenhagen is a nice city, and it has the biggest Oceanium in North-Europe. Needless to say we had to go there, and it took us almost the entire day to see all the wonders it has to offer. On Thursday it was Thor’s day, so it was time to see some Viking ships, and what better place to go than the Viking ships museum. They have 5 original ships on display and a lot of replicas one can even get aboard and sail in.

A pamphlet guided us the following day to our next destination on the route back to the mainland of Denmark. Another Cold-war museum: The Panzer museum East. A museum housing many Cold-war era vehicles from the east side of the wall. Never before have I seen so much Rusfed military vehicles in one place. Ranging from airplane and helicopter to Traband, T72 and T34 tanks, and lots more! I had the honor of meeting the owner of this amazing collection, and the Mog got some compliments from this military history lover. And so here we also got the opportunity to drive our NATO truck onto the terrain full of Rusfed material, former enemy vehicles now parked side by side for a couple of more awesome pictures!

Today we went further North and came across the longest wooden ship currently still in existence, the frigate Jylland. This ship was launched in 1860 and survived 18 direct hits during the battle of Heligoland, now it has been saved from scrapping and turned into a museum. It’s a must-see if you are ever near Ebeltoft. Hopefully tomorrow we can reach the Northern-most tip of Denmark, Skagen. So far Denmark has been more beautiful and surprising than ever imagined and already ideas of coming back here to see even more in the future are starting to get a grip.