It was a lot of work preparing everything, the tire carrier was finished just in time, and on Thursday at 13:00 it was finally time to start this road trip. The first day went really smooth, the 330km we travelled were behind us in no time… well actually in about 5 hours of driving. We ventured off the dreaded “autobahn” and a small and winding road brought us to a nice little campsite.

The next day it was hot. It was 28c outside, meaning that inside of the Mog, sitting on top of the engine, the temperature felt close to a sauna. Combine this with lots of traffic, and you’ve got yourself a real good reason to stop for a burger and coke. After the engine and us had a bit of time to cool down, it was time to continue our trip to Puttgarden. We arrived at about 17:00 on Puttgarden Camping. Here we decided to get a day of rest before embarking on the ferry to Rodby. Unfortunately that was a rainy day, and we ended up playing some games in the comfort of the “funkkoffer”

On Sunday it was time to take the ferry, and finally enter Denmark. Scandlines ferries are sailing every half hour so booking ahead is not really necessary. And at about 12:15 we drove on of the boat. The trip to Rodby takes only 45min which just enough time to get a snack and visit the shops on board. With the harbour of Rodby in sight it was time to get beck to the car-deck. One by one the cars rolled off, and a sigh greeted us “Denmark”. We had made it. The first leg of the journey had been completed! And we still had time for some touring, so we followed the coastline to get some ice-cream in Nyhavn and eventually we stopped at Moen camping Ulvshale, a beautiful campsite only 100m from the sea.